Fence hopping person damages vehicles – Police are investigating criminal damage to a vehicle after a person told them he saw a white pick-up truck, possibly a F-150, parked near 655 Grove Drive.
The man told them that the driver exited
the vehicle and jumped over the fence to Trace
Drive. The
subject then slashed a tire on a red sedan and jumped back over the fence to
leave the parking lot. While the man was on the phone with 9-1-1, he said he
saw the white pick-up truck park behind the red sedan and slashed another tire.
The offender is described as a male white, approximately 5'10” wearing a black
hoodie and black pants.
swiped – Police report
a bicycle valued at $400 was stolen from a business while an employee was at
work in the 100 block of Dundee Road. Reports say the bike was secured to a
pole with a chain and lock in the alley behind the business. The employee told
police that she noticed the lock were cut and the bicycle was gone.
Catalytic converter thefts continue – A resident in the 1500 block
of Johnson Drive told police that he heard excessive noise from his vehicle's exhaust system
when he started his car. He found that the vehicle’s catalytic converter had
been removed. Meanwhile, a customer at Woodman’s told police that his catalytic converter
was stolen while he was in the store at around 2 a.m.
stolen? -- A resident
told police that her husband took their son out for a walk in their stroller
and left the stroller unattended for a few minutes in the parking lot at 160
Lexington Drive. ·When he returned, the
stroller was gone. Police say they told the woman that someone may have
mistakenly thought the stroller was being thrown away due to the proximity of
the garbage dumpsters. She was encouraged to
ask the business owner at 160 Lexington Dr to post a flyer explaining what had
happened and request the return of the stroller.
Meds missing -- Staff at Mariano's Fresh Market reported various over-the-counter medications,
including Prilosec, Nicorette, Nexium, and Pepcid were apparently stolen.
Reports say management noticed a male exited the store carrying a green grocery bag full of store
merchandise. The manager said she followed him out of the store and saw him
throw the items in a dumpster behind the building. Although the products were
recovered, they had to be discarded. The man was described as being 25-30 years
old, wearing a brown shirt and black pants. He was wearing a medical mask and
had a short dreadlocks hairstyle.
Liquor looted – A Walgreens employee told police that a man allegedly took five
bottles of alcohol and left the store at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road without
paying. The man was last seen entering a vehicle and traveling north on Buffalo
Grove Road. The employee showed police a video of the subject taking the
alcohol in the liquor section.
Vehicles damaged – A resident in the 100 block of Woodstone reported to police that
two of his vehicles were damaged while they were parked in their driveway. He
told police that the
driver-side mirror housing and the rear passenger-side door frame on his 2022 Honda Civic were
damaged by something that melted the plastic. He said his 2020 Honda HR-V
suffered similar damage.
Vehicles burgled – Police report three cars were broken into during the past week.
The first was in the 400 block Castlewood
Lane. Reports say personal items and currency were taken from the vehicle
overnight on Oct. 3.
In a second case, police say a car parked
in the 500 block of Checker Drive was broken into. The vehicle’s owner said she found the vehicle’s identification card and other
paperwork in the grass outside of his vehicle when he went outside to his
vehicle in the morning. The glove box had also been opened.
The third case involved a vehicle parked in the 500 block of Arbor Gate Lane.
Reports say the vehicle’s owner noticed that someone had entered his car, but
did not take anything.
In other community news…
Trick-or-Treating times set
Halloween Trick-or-Treating hours in Buffalo Grove are Monday, October
31 from 3 - 8 p.m. Residents are encouraged to turn on exterior lights to show
they are welcoming trick-or-treaters.
Early voting begins Oct. 24
Early voting for the November 8 election
begins October 24 and runs through November 7. Offices up for election
including Illinois Governor, state representatives and senators, and county
elected seats across Illinois.
Early voting information is available at
these sites:
If you are not registered to vote, you
can find information at these site:
Used book sale Oct. 8
The Indian Trails Public Library District
will have a used book Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8.
Patrons can fill a bag of
books for $5. The
entrance and exit for the book sale will be through the south doors of the
library in the Lake Cook room (facing the park).Use of ISBN scanners is
permitted between noon to 2 pm.
The Library is located at
355 Schoenbeck Rd. in Wheeling.
Drug take back Oct. 29
Safely dispose of expired, unused or unneeded medications at the
annual Drug Take Back Day from
10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Oct. 29 at the Police Station, 46 Raupp
There is a permanent receptacle to drop off unwanted prescription drugs
in the police station’s lobby. For more information, visit the DEA website or call
the department's non-emergency number at (847) 459-2560.
“ScribbleMonster” at ITPLD
The Indian Trails Public Library is hosting “Super Saturday: ScribbleMonster”
at 11 a.m. on Oct. 15
This program
is for all ages and participants are urged to bring their dancing shoes and
wild imagination for the award-winning music and play of Jim from
ScribbleMonster and PBS Kids' show Wimee's Words. Click here to register.
Native Americans topic of program
“Civic Spotlight: No One Ever Sees
Indians: Native Americans in Media,” is the topic of a program at the Indian
Trails Public Library at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 17.
Speaker Ernest M Whiteman III, will discuss the many representations of Native Americans in media and how these representations inform audiences’ perceptions of Native peoples and issues. Click here to register.
Passenger Safety Week results listed
The Buffalo Grove Police Department issued 15
seat belt citations, three distracted driving citations and two other citations
during its Child Passenger Safety Week enforcement campaign from Sept. 18 to
Buffalo Grove Police joined forces with more
than 200 other local law enforcement agencies to increase awareness of proper
child safety seat use and encourage all motorists to buckle up and pay
attention. The effort featured high-visibility enforcement combined with a
variety of outreach activities, including a media campaign.
For more information on Illinois’ Child
Passenger Safety program, including laws, seat selection, installation tips and
where to get your child’s safety seat checked, use this link.
The Child Passenger Safety Week campaign was funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and administered through the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Comedy to be presented
Big Deal
Productions will present its 2022 adult non-musical production, the classic
comedy Blithe Spirit at the Community Arts Center, 225 N.
McHenry Road, at 7 p.m. on Oct. 14, 15, 21 and 22 at 3 pm on Oct.16 and
All tickets are $19 in advance, or $22 at the door. Tickets are available for purchase via the link below. For information on group sales, accessible seating, or any questions, contact Jessi Hersman at 847.850.2152 or jessi@bgparks.org.
“Pooch Parade” Oct. 22
A “Howl-O-Ween Pooch Parade” will be
held at Willow Stream Park from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22
This free event will include
a canine costume contest and doggy egg hunt. All furry-tailed friends and
humans are welcome to attend, even if you do not have a dog.
Prizes and awards will be given to the most unique and creative costumes; categories include best costume and best family themed costume. Day of registrations will be accepted. In case of inclement weather, call the weather hotline at (847) 235.6857. For more information, contact Brian O’Malley at 847.850.2146 or brian@bgparks.org.
Arts and crafts fair Oct. 22
The Park District is sponsoring an arts & crafts fair from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22 at the Community Arts Center, 225 N. McHenry
Attendees will be able to choose from a variety of items created by local crafters and business owners. For more information, call Aly Stanczak at (847) 850.2105.
D21 Workshop set for parents
Community Consolidated School District
21 is offering a Restorative Practices Workshop to all parents/guardians
in the District. The workshop will be available in English and Spanish and is
targeted to families with students in all grades levels. Childcare for
ages 3-10 will be provided in the evening session.
The programs will be at the Hawthorne
Early Childhood, 200 Glendale Street, Wheeling, on Oct. 18.
The Morning presentation is from 9 to
10:30 (English- Room 213 / Spanish - Library) and the evening presentations
from 6 to 7:30 (English - Room 213 / Spanish - Room 207)
For the English workshop (Click here)
and for the Spanish Workshop (Click
Happy anniversary to…
Buffalo Grove News and Information starts its fifth year this week.
Thanks for reading and submitting news and information.
Need a reason to
Newspaper Carrier Day
Beer and Pizza Day
Stage Management Day
Day of respect for cultural diversity
of Respect For Cultural Diversity
Take Your Parents To Lunch Day
Transfer Money to Your Son Day
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or
other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas
to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number.
Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words
and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be
edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Subscribe by email
If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by
email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently
produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and
journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and
information about the village, its schools, park district and community events.
Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.