Sep 8, 2023

Street racing rattles residents / Branding workshop set / 'Fall Fest' on tap

 Street racing irks residents

High-speed driving on area roadways has raised the ire of residents on social media.

The focus of the angst has been “drag racing” on several stretches of heavily traveled streets including Lake-Cook Road, Buffalo Grove Road, Old Checker Road and Ill. Rt. 83.

Posters say the abusive driving occurs on a regular basis and at all hours. Some posters claimed that calls to Buffalo Grove Police have not produced positive results. “police are patrolling, they can certainly drive around the area,” one poster noted.

However, police officials note, it’s more than just being called.

“This issue is nothing new and has resulted in horrific crashes,” Sgt. Tony Turano said in an email. “The crashes often result in the serious injury of the participants and innocent bystanders, or ending in the tragic loss of life,” he said. Turano heads up the Buffalo Grove Police Department’s traffic unit.

Posters cited a 2008 accident that killed Daniel Contini, 20, of Buffalo Grove. According to media reports about the crash, Contini was drag racing with a Mount Prospect man along Aptakisic Road.

Marco L. Rosero, who was 20 at the time of the crash and lived in Mt. Prospect, was racing Contini. He was found guilty of four charges related to the crash in Lake County Circuit Court in 2009.

Posters say the racing is a regular occurrence, with one saying “It’s like clockwork the same time daily,” while another posted that “we hear it every night at the same time. It happens around 12:30 a.m.”

Turano added that “Sporadically, we do receive complaints of cars racing one another. Generally, when they are received, it is after the incident has taken place with little detail of the offending vehicles, so it becomes difficult to conduct an investigation.” A poster echoed Turano’s comment posting that it’s “hard to report something if you don’t know where it’s happening.

Turano noted that the BGPD participates in grant-funded traffic enforcement through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to proactively identify offenders. He said the grant not only focuses on speeders, but also drunken drivers, and drivers who don’t use seatbelts and talk on cell phones while driving.

“The police department is also working on obtaining and implementing new technologies within the next year. This technology will assist us in identifying offenders who partake in dangerous driving. These efforts are in addition to our patrol units immediately responding to any calls of such activity,” Turano said.

Residents who suspect or see drag racing or other excessive motor vehicle operation should call 9-1-1.

Pedestrian bridge closing set

The pedestrian bridge over Route 83 located just south of the Golf Dome will close for routine maintenance starting Monday Sept. 11 and lasting through the end of the month. The work will require temporary lane closures on Route 83.

Park parking lot construction set

Construction on the parking lot on the south end of Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Road in Buffalo Grove, will begin Monday, Sept. 11. The parking lots is being completely rebuilt.

 The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Alternative parking will be available on the north end of the park near the pool, located at 600 Farrington Drive in Buffalo Grove.

More information, as well as updates once the project begins, are available on the Construction Projects page of the Park District’s website at

Branding focus of workshop

Residents can attend a special community creative workshop focusing on branding efforts for the village at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13in the Cook Room at Indian Trails Public Library, 355 Schoenbeck Road in Wheeling.

North Star Branding & Marketing will share data collected from community surveys and other research methods. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide input for the creative process of the community branding initiative.

Additional information about the village’s branding initiative is available here.

Singers fundraiser helps sick kids

            The BG Singers, known for their concerts, have found a way to help sick kids without raising their voices.

            According to the Daily Herald, a month-long display and sale of ukuleles will raise funds for the Florida-based Ukulele Kids Club Inc. The ukuleles, notes the Herald, are on display at the Buffalo Grove Community Arts Center, 225 N. McHenry Rd. If you want to buy a ukulele, you’ll need to pluck over $100. The full story can be found here.

Cops plan trivia night benefit

            The Buffalo Grove Police Department is hosting a trivia night to raise money for Illinois Special Olympics. The event is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6 at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road. Cost is $40 per person. Tables of eight are $300. For additional information, including sponsorship opportunities, email Melessa Horbus at

Program helps birds and senior citizens

            Three Stevenson High School students have found a way to help North American birds while bringing some smiles to residents at Sunrise Senior Living.

            The Daily Herald reports that the students are working with Sanctuary for the Skies by building a bird sanctuary at the facility on Rt. 22 in Buffalo Grove. The complete story can be found here.

JCC Chicago hosting ‘Fall Fest’ Sunday

The Jewish Community Centers of Chicago are hosting a Fall Fest from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Lake County JCC, at Elaine Frank Apachi Day Camp, 23280 North Old McHenry Road.

Attendees can explore Garoon Gateway to Science and enjoy endless activities from arts & crafts, climbing wall, gaga, lawn games, snacks.

The JCC is also inviting teens to explore the campus, learn about leadership opportunities at Apachi Day Camp and Sunrise Day Camp Chicago and participate in a variety of activities including archery tag, disc golf, climbing wall and live music.

This program is free and registration requested. All families who register will go home with a complimentary JCC Chicago swag bag.

            Full information and a registration form can be found here.

Free shredding event Sept. 18

The Vernon Township Highway Department will host a free shredding event from 11:30 a.m. to 2 :30 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Township Administrative Building, 3050 N. Main St. in Buffalo Grove.

Residents can bring their canceled or unused checks, old insurance policies, bills, medical records and invoices to be shredded.

Please note that there is a limit of three medium sized boxes or bags, and no metal or plastics are allowed. For questions, call 847-634-4600 and ask for Tracy.

 From the Police reports

Theft from Building – Police report that a siding machine was stolen from a house in the 1200 block of Ranchview Court. Police did not list the value of the unit.

Theft of auto part – Police report officers were summoned to the Woodman’s gas station to a report of a theft in progress. According to reports, a person told police they observed a group of subjects around a vehicle removing a part. All subjects fled in a vehicle in an unknown location. This investigation is ongoing.

Retail Theft – An employee at Ricky Rockets told police two Hispanic males were walking around and one left with a bag of chips without paying.

Residential burglary -- Police responded to the 1200 block of Sheridan Road for a residential burglary. Upon arrival police met with a complainant, who discovered when they entered their home they noticed items out of place, cabinet doors and closet were ransacked. This investigation is ongoing.

Fleeing / Attempting to Elude – A 30-year-old man, Christopher Larson of Buffalo Grove, was charged with fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer, speeding and driving with a suspended or revoked license after police say he fled officers who had initiated a traffic stop near Strathmore Court and Arlington Heights Road. Police say he was later found at his residence and was arrested.

Retail theft -- Police responded to Woodman’s Market, 1550 E. Deerfield Parkway, for a theft report. Police met with store officials told them a man placed merchandise in a shopping cart and left the last point of sale without paying. But wait, all’s well that ends well -- the man later came back to Woodman’s and paid for the items that were originally taken. Nonetheless, the man was charged with, according to police reports, Retail theft – Removal of [a] shopping cart with intent to deprive merchant of possession. Joe Friday would be proud. Kids, ask your parents who Joe Friday is.


Need A Reason To Celebrate?

Sept. 8

National Ampersand Day

National Dog Walker Appreciation Day

National Iguana Awareness Day

Star Trek Day

Sept. 9

Care Bears Share Your Care Day

Drive Your Studebaker Day

Free Dentistry Day

International Box Wine Day

National When Pigs Fly Day

Wonderful Weirdos Day

Sept. 10

Hug Your Hound Day

National TV Dinner Day

Top Up Day

Sept. 11

National Make Your Bed Day

No News is Good News Day

National Boss/Employee Exchange Day

Sept. 12

National Ants on a Log Day

National Chocolate Milkshake Day

National Police Woman Day

Sept. 13

Defy Superstition Day

National Bald is Beautiful Day

National Hug Your Boss Day

National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

Positive Thinking Day

Sept. 14

National Coloring Day

National Cream Filled Donut Day

National Eat A Hoagie Day

Sept. 15

Felt Hat Day

International Dot Day

National Doodle Day

National Linguine Day

Sept. 16

Batman Day

Collect Rocks Day

International Eat An Apple Day




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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...