Feb 22, 2019

Talkin' trash: Garbage, recycling fees increase May 1

Higher rates, but an additional service. The Village Board Monday approved new rates with Waste Management 
for garbage and recycling collection.  The new contract also includes collection of electronics and other items that should not be placed in garbage or recycling carts. The “At Your Door” service gives residents the opportunity to call Waste Management and arrange for pick up of items.  Details are at Trash, recycling fees to increase

Prairie View plan viewed.  Residents had the opportunity to view a proposed plan for the area near the METRA Prairie View station.  Details are at Prairie View plan.  The village has also made information available at Prairie View poster boards and at Prairie View plan video

Sussman, Terson discuss view. Got an hour? You can watch the Daily Herald’s interview with the Village Board candidates, incumbent Beverly Sussman and Mike Terson.  Sussman, Terson interview

SAFER session set.  “How to stay independent and safe in your home” is the focus of a program for seniors and caregivers at  10:15 a.m. on Wednesday at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Dr. Complimentary bagels and coffee will be available.

Community blood drive March 2: The next community blood drive is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Saturday, March 2, at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive in Buffalo Grove
All donors will receive a St Patrick's Day 'Give a Pint' blood donor shirt. All donors 18 years of age and older will be entered into a drawing for local wellness gift certificates. All donors can receive a complimentary 10-minute chair massage after donating blood. Click here for more information about the event. To schedule your appointment, visit vitalant.org or call 877-258-4825; walk-ins are also welcome. Residents who cannot make the blood drive can donate at any Vitalant (formerly LifeSource) donor center by using the code BG98.

From the Police reports

Police are investigating a break-in in the 100 block of Manchester Drive.  According to police reports, a caretaker for the home discovered items out of place and drawers opened.  Reports say the door to the unit had been pried open.

What appeared to be a simple fender bender escalated to a confrontation between drivers.  Police reports say a driver was attempting to make a left turn lane into (Jewel center) when his vehicle was struck by another.  After the cars pulled out of traffic, police reports say one driver attacked the other by scratching his face and head and biting his finger. He then called the man, an Asian, the N word. The driver who hit the car made a U-turn on Lake-Cook and fled the scene.

Police were called to a Buffalo Grove company to take a complaint from a female employee after  she got into a scuffle with coworkers.  According to police, a woman entered  the locker room at the company  when she was blocked by three women who were dancing.  They asked the woman to join in, but she declined.  At some point the women bumped into each other and pushing ensued.  According to police reports, the woman who entered the room got scared and tried to hide behind two other women. She told police that one woman punched her in the heard.  No injuries were reported and charged were not filed.

A resident reported to police that after getting a “blue screen” on his computer, he received phone solicitations for computer repair. After giving access to the caller, who said he was from Advanced Identity Protection, he was told the cost would range between $250 for two years to $700 for lifetime protection.  Police say they called the company but did not receive a response.

Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...