Mar 1, 2019

Village, school races heating up

Election 2019

Materials provided here are for informational purposes only and are not endorsements of any candidates or position by Buffalo Grove News & Information.

Voter registration for the April 2 election ends Tuesday. Lake County and Cook County residents can register at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd.

Endorsement in Village Board races.  The Daily Herald endorses incumbent Beverly Sussman for re-election in the race for Village President while endorsing incumbents Eric Smith and Dave Weidenfeld for Village Trustee along with newcomer Greg Pike. The Herald endorsements can be found at Trustee endorsements and Board President endorsement.
Board President Views – Incumbent Village Board President Beverly Sussman and challenger Mike Terson discuss their plans for enhancing Buffalo Grove’s business climate with the Daily Herald. While Sussman hangs her hat on the opening of Woodman’s, Terson maintains that it’s just part of what the village needs to do. Read or watch the interview at Daily Herald Board President Interviews.

Trustee candidates discussed their plans for economic development with the Journal-Topics. Their comments can be found at Trustees discuss economic development.

Terson explains actions during his time as a trustee – Mike Terson, candidate for Village Board President, tells the Journal-Topics that during his tenure as trustee the Village Board never had a vote on a Park District matter. Terson is                 Public Relations and Marketing Manager for the Park District. Details are at Terson discusses recusal issue.

In addition to the Village Board election, residents will also vote for School Board members. In Stevenson District 125, candidates told the Daily Herald and Journal-Topics about their concerns and plans. Details are at Daily Herald -- Stevenson candidates and Journal-Topics -- Stevenson candidates.

Candidates’ forum set – Candidates for Village Board trustee and Village Board president will discuss their views at a candidates’ forum on Tuesday at the Park District’s Performing Arts Center, 225  McHenry Road. The forum will feature village trustee candidates from 6 to 7:40 p.m. with the village board president candidates sparring from 7:50 to 9 p.m. The forum is sponsored by the League of Women Voters.

From the Police Reports

** A Buffalo Grove resident told police he called a number he thought was Amazon.  It turned out to be a scam. The man who returned his called told the resident to purchase a $750 Google Play Card and provided the information on the cad to him.  The resident realized it was a scam and called his bank can learned that someone transferred  $10,000 from one his accounts to another.  The resident no longer has access to his computer because it is locked and his being asked to pay a ransom for it.

** Police responded to a car dealership on Dundee Road in response to a customer dispute.  The customer told police that he was “picked up and thrown to the ground” after he complained about his car having mechanical issues.  Management told police that the customer became upset when he learned his vehicle would have to be sent to a manufacturer’s facility for service.  Management told police that the customer tripped prior to leaving a hallway.  A review of video footage yielded that the customer was “animated” in his discussions.  The dealership, police reports say, was not happy that the police “were not doing anything help.” A manager at the dealership requested police help in mediating a solution, which they did.  In the end, police reports say, the customer and manager “shook hands on this agreement.”

** Police responded to a complaint of an old television outside by the curb.

** Police responded to a resident to discuss internet safety and how to use privacy settings.

** Police responded to a report of fight at a banquet center on McHenry Road.  No arrests were made as no one wanted to discuss the details.  Police reports say responding officers suggested the manager hire security for events due to frequency of disturbances

School Notes

D103 lists summer school programs -- Registration for summer school and optional transportation for District 103 summer school programs begins at  9:30 a.m. on March 7and runs through noon on March 22.
The district is offering Enrichment and Intervention Summer School courses at Daniel Wright Junior High for students currently in grades K–7.
Classes will be held from June 10 until July 2, 2019, Monday through Friday. Four periods will be offered 8:30 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. with tuition at $80 per class (plus any materials fee). The district will offer optional bus transportation will also be offered.
Visit for information about course offerings and to view the master schedule.

Winter play tickets on sale -- Tickets for the winter play, “She Kills Monsters,” are available for $6 through the Stevenson Superstore. Shows are scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, March 8, and 3 and 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 9 in the West Auditorium. Click here to order. Online ticket sales end at noon Thursday, March 7. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door on the performance dates. Note: The production contains mature content  and may not be suitable for all ages.

Chamber guitar concert – Guitar student at Stevenson High School will present a free concert from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the Recital Hall.

District 21 hires new finance director – School district 21 has hired Micheal (sic) DeBartolo as the new Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations/CSBO. He will assume the position in July following the retirement of Mary Werling, current Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations/CSBO. DeBartolo currently serves as Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations in neighboring Prospect Heights School District 23, a position he has held for the past four year.  Prior to that, he practiced school law attorney for 16 years.

Support staff recognized – The District 21 School Board cited the work of four support staff members. Information is at District 21 honors


Make a note…

Village Board meets Monday – The Buffalo Grove Village Board will have a “Committee of the Whole” meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The agenda can be found at: March 4 Village Board agenda

Prairie View area development plans were highlighted at an open house last week. The center piece of the plan is the Prairie View Metra station. Details are at Prairie View development.

Northwest Suburban Chabad is hosting a ‘Purim bash’ from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20 at Aptakisic Junior High School. For complete information, go to Chabad Purim Bash

Take a look at – Ever wonder who is the mastermind behind the village’s museum? You can find out at Raupp Museum director.

Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...