Mar 15, 2019

Battery, burglary keep cops busy

From the Police Reports

A 30-year-old Buffalo Grove man was charged with battery by Buffalo Grove Police after an incident with another man in the restroom at a Shell gas station in the 1200 block of north Arlington Heights Road. The man was also issued a trespassing warning.

Police are investigating a burglary in the 0 -100 block of River Oaks Circle after the resident told police that they returned home to find the front door ajar and some areas of the home ransacked. They also found the rear sliding door had been forced open. The residents said some jewelry was missing as was $40 in USC.

Police are investigating attempted thefts from the Walgreens at Buffalo Grove and Lake-Cook roads. Police reports indicate store employees observed a customer try to steal a collection of over the counter drugs including Excedrin, Tylenol, Bayer Claritin, and Zyrtec which were all on shelf display. When confronted by store employees, the person dropped the items and left.

The store also reported a theft on March 10. Reported missing was NicoDerm and Nicorette products. Security video indicated two people involved, a male white in his 20s or 30s and a female white in her 20s or 30s.

An Arlington Heights man told police she was being tailgated and after brake checking, he stopped to talk to the driver who got scared and drove over the sidewalk to keep from talking to the man.

A 66-year-old Buffalo Grove woman told police she was contacted by who she thought was the computer service company she had previously used. The call, police reports say, wanted to refund the service charge on her bank account. The woman was told $6,000 was deposited instead of $60. To make up the difference, the woman was told to purchase $5,000 in Walmart gift cards, which she did.

A BG business contacted police after noticing that the company’s Home Depot account had been compromised with more than $6,400 of fraudulent purchases on the account.

A resident told police that a bag containing medical marijuana was found in his mailbox. The bag contained a container of Corleone Kush, two flash drives, two pipes and a C02 cartridge. The resident said he never ordered them.

The owner of an Asian restaurant reported harassing phone calls during which the caller asked if they had “black rice” and if they put “cat” in the fried rice. The caller also asked for items not on the menu and mocked the accent of the employees.

A BG man told police he received a call from “someone he thought was a friend” telling him to check a website for lottery winnings. The emailer apparently told the man to purchase $400 in i-Tune gift cards from Walmart, which he did, but not before he realized it was a scam.

Community News

Village Board meeting Monday

The regular meeting of the Village Board is at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Jeffrey Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The agenda can be found at: March 18 agenda

Early voting begins Monday

Early Voting for the April 2 consolidated election begins Monday, March 18 and runs through April 1. Voters participating in early voting must vote in person, but do not need to provide any reason as to why they are voting early. It is not required to provide ID when voting, though it is recommended to help speed up the check-in process. All early voting sites will also provide voter registration. A voter who needs to register for the first time or file an address change must present two forms of ID. One of these IDs must show the voter's current address. Click here to find more information about early voting in Cook County, and here for more information about early voting in Lake County.

Don't recycle plastic bags

Many residents may believe plastic bags belong in the recycling bin - but, that's not the case. Plastic bags can wreak havoc in recycling plants, costing crews time and consumers money.View This video for details.

2019 golf season underway

The Buffalo Grove Golf Course and the Arboretum Club are now open, and tee times can be found on each respective website. Residents can book at either course up to 14 days in advance and are offered two ways to save using either the Buffalo Grove Golf Course season pass or the Arboretum Club Advantage Card.

Northwest Suburban Chabad plans Purim celebration

The Northwest Chabad is holding a Purim celebration from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20. In addition to a Megillah reading, a soup bar and Hamantashen will be available as will a variety of family activities. There is no admission charge. For more information, go to

Election 2019

Developer donates to Terson’s campaign -- The head of CRM Properties Group, which proposed a mega multiple use development to the village in 2014, has donated $5,000 to Village Board President candidate Mike Terson’s campaign. Coverage can be found at Campaign donation

Three endorsed for D96 Board – The three incumbents seeking re-election in School District 96 are endorsed by the Daily Herald.  Details are at D96 endorsements.

Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...