From the police reports
A Buffalo Grove man was charged by Buffalo Grove police with two counts of
domestic battery after an incident March 24. The incident occurred, police say,
after the man’s wife returned home from a party during which someone hit her
car. Police reports indicate that the man became upset and had a physical
altercation with his wife.
A Palatine man was charged with two counts of DUI after he was found slumped
over the wheel of his car at a drive-through teller at a bank. Buffalo Grove
Police and paramedic responded and found that the man apparently had been
drinking. His blood alcohol content (BAC) was .243 on one analysis and at a .306 on a Breathalyzer. Illinois' legal BAC level is .08. He is scheduled to
appear in Lake County court on April 17.
A Gurnee woman was charged with endangerment to a child in a January incident
in which she left a child in an unattended vehicle for 45 minutes. She has an April 5
court date in Lake County court.
Buffalo Grove Police assisted Wheeling police in responding to a complaint of a
homeless man in a field on South Elmhurst Road. BGPD became involved when the
man, by using a series of extension cords, was “stealing” electricity from a
church in the 300 block of south Buffalo Grove Road. The man was charged with
criminal trespassing.
Buffalo Grove Police did a check on 20 retail liquor license holders to see if there
were any incidents of selling to minors. No violations were reported.
A resident in the 1400 block of Johnson Drive reported a package with a value
of more than $500 stolen from his front door.
Police responded to a complaint of an altercation between three men at a
restaurant in the 2700 block of Main Street. Reports say the men had been
drinking elsewhere and were outside the restaurant when the altercation began. Despite
one man allegedly having a knife and fleeing, police reports say, after
reviewing surveillance video, there was inconclusive evidence of a crime and no
complaint was filed.
Forcible entry – resident reported forcible entry in the 200 block of West Fox
Hill Drive. While it appeared, police say, that drawers were ransacked, a list
of missing items was not provided.
A resident in the 800 block of Grove drive reported two tires slashed. Each
tire was valued at $200.
An argument between two employees at a business in the 300 block of Lexington
drive may have led to four tires being slashed. No charges were filed.
Police were called in response to criminal damage to property after a man
through a telephone breaking its glass screen. The incident followed an argument
between two men when one got a call and then had the other man talk on the
phone. He became agitated and threw the phone.
Village Board meeting Monday
The Buffalo
Grove Village Board will have a Committee of the Whole meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
the Jeffrey Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The agenda
can be found at April
1 meeting agenda
Pot hole patching in high gear
Patching has begun along
arterial and secondary streets. The schedule will continue into April 2019;
crews will start filling large holes on the first run, and finish patching of
cracks and smaller holes on the second run.
Large arterial streets and roads that run through the Village
(such as Dundee, Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Aptakisic and Lake Cook
roads, Milwaukee Avenue, Deerfield Parkway and Half Day Road) are maintained
by, and are the responsibility of, outside agencies' departments of
transportation (DOT) including Lake County DOT, Cook County DOT and Illinois
Tree trimming begins
The Highland Grove and
Highland Point subdivisions are where the Buffalo Grove Forestry Section began
the cycle tree trimming this week, and there are 2,249 trees to be trimmed in
this area. Please click this map to view the total trimming area. Once
completed, crews will move to the areas east of Highland Grove, and then work
their way west.
Residential mailbox repair under way
During the severe winter
weather, resident mailboxes may have been damaged. The Public Works Department is replacing mailboxes and posts previously inspected
and determined to be damaged by Village snow plows. Replacements are expected
to be completed by the end of April. For more information about the Village's
damaged mailbox policy, click here.
Early voting ends Monday
Early voting for
Tuesday’s election ends Monday. Click here for more information about voting in Cook
County, and here for Lake County voting information. The polls
are open on Election Day from 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. For more information about the
candidates running for the Buffalo Grove Village Board, click here to watch the recent candidate forum video.
BGPD looking for officers
The Buffalo Grove Police Department,
is hiring police officers.
Applicants must be between 21 and 35 years
age at the time of the last date for filing applications, except as
provided by
statute, and all who apply must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Those 20 years of age who have completed two years of law enforcement studies at an accredited college or
university may be considered.
Those applying should be in good physical condition and will be required to pass a fitness
test, written test,
investigation, and
a polygraph test. After a conditional
of employment, successful
candidates must
comprehensive medical and psychological tests, prior to appointment.
Those interested are required to attend an orientation meeting immediately prior to the written exam at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 1 at the Buffalo Grove Park District
Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road in Buffalo Grove.
Interested individuals are encouraged to participate in a ride-a-long, where they will spend time with a patrol
officer and experience policing in Buffalo Grove.
Please contact Sergeant Brian Spolar to discuss ride-a-long requests at
Election 2019
Village Board President race
Voters will decide three
trustee positions and the Village Board presidency in Tuesday’s election. Village
President Race
School Board races
In addition to municipal posts, elections for
school board members are being held in Districts 96 and 125. Coverage has
included District
125 election and School
District 96 election
Take a look at...
Student Voices
Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high
schools at these links:
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