Editor's note --This is the fifth in
a series of profiles of candidates for Buffalo Grove Village Board
positions. Candidates for Village Trustee will be featured first
followed by candidates for Village President. All candidates received
the same questionnaire. Their answers appear verbatim without any added
editorial comments or interpretation. This is done so readers can read
direct answers from each candidate. Profiles will be posted in
alphabetical order.
Candidate's name:
Gregory Pike
Candidate for:
Village Board Trustee
How long have you lived in Buffalo Grove?
Since 2010
Please provide brief background
My wife and I moved to Buffalo Grove
in 2010 for the excellent schools, outstanding park district, easy access to
transportation and proximity to family members. Together we are raising our
three children that attend Pritchett (twins in Kindergarten) and Meridian (one
in Pre-K). Managing Director at a large financial institution. Primary
responsibilities include credit structuring for both Commercial Banking (focus
on medium to publicly traded corporations) and Institutional Markets (focus on
municipalities, Not for Profits and hospitals). Education: Miami University -
BS in Finance DePaul University - MBA ABA Stonier Graduate School of Banking -
University of Pennsylvania
Have you served on a village committee or
commission before? If yes, which one and how long did you serve?
No. However I do cover
municipalities and state governments/agencies through my employer.
What other civic
activities, if any, have you been involved with?
Accion Chicago – Current Chair for
both the Board and Executive Committee. Formally Vice Chair of Board and
Chaired the Portfolio Review and Lending Committees. Board Member since 2008.
Prior Civic involvements include CPS Real Men Read, CPS Principal for a Day,
Chase Saturday Scholars (preparing Chicago intercity kids for college).
Why are you running for a Village Board
As I see it, our community is in
need of the following improvements: · - Economic development with vibrant
retail stores and restaurants. · - Infrastructure improvements from
delayed capital expenditures: · - Reduced property tax burden on
homeowner and businesses · - More financial leadership and a
need for fresh ideas at the Trustee level. · - Improved diversity outreach
within the community. The demographics of Buffalo Grove continues to evolve and
we are lucky to have a mixture of different cultures (ethnic, racial and
generational) within the community. Buffalo Grove is in need of Village Trustee
who brings a new voice, has a business background, listens to all sides of an
issue and can make difficult decisions. I have worked with hundreds of
businesses and municipalities across the Midwest to provide financial
solutions. We have excellent schools and parks. It’s time we now make Buffalo
Grove an exceptional Village through economic development and reduce the tax
burden of households and businesses.
In general, what do you see as the most pressing
issues facing Buffalo Grove?
Two issues that are intertwined
together are economic development (vibrant retail stores and restaurants) and
infrastructure improvements from delayed capital expenditures. There is a high
likelihood that if these issues are not addressed in the near-term, property
tax burden on homeowners and businesses will increase. If done correctly, we
can potentially reduce the tax burden on property owners. A good example is
Vernon Hills, they have no municipal real estate to fund Village government. It
is covered primarily through retail sales taxes.
There has been considerable discussion for years
about economic development in the village. What kind of economic development
(retail, commercial, industrial) do you think should be a priority and
We need more retail and commercial
property. Our industrial parks are already 95% occupied. In order to reduce the
tax burden of property owners and help fund infrastructure projects, Village
campus and the Buffalo Grove golf course should be redeveloped. Additionally,
we need to continue to work with the owners of Town Center, Chase Plaza and the
Rohrman properties to redevelop their properties. All options should be on the
Which business development plan do you think
should be a priority? Lake-Cook Road corridor, Dundee Road, Milwaukee Avenue or
the Prairie View concept?
Short answer is all of them. All
options should be on the table. If we really want to reduce the tax burden on
property owners and to help fund infrastructure projects, then we need to
address all phases in the Lake-Cook Road Corridor study.
How do you think the village should encourage
redevelopment of existing retail areas that are struggling?
Absolutely. As a Village we should
never shop the encouragement of redevelopment of private property. The Village
should also consider reducing regulations and be more receptive to new business
wanting to relocate to Buffalo Grove.
Should the village limit development to preserve
green space?
Every effort should be made to
preserve green space. However, some of the existing green space is limited to
the public and is costing property taxpayers. For example, the Buffalo Grove
Golf Course could be better utilized by residences if there is an economically
feasible plan to redevelop the property. Right now, the property is surrounded
by a fence, you need to pay money to fully use the property and it's seasonal.
Additionally, it is rare for a Village the size of Buffalo Grove to even have
one golf course. I personally enjoy golf, but the industry continues to shrink.
Let’s dedicate our limited resources to Arboretum Golf Course.
Some of our volunteer groups (commissions,
committees) have seen shrinking membership. What would you do to engage the
community on a broader scale? What would you do to encourage broader
demographic participation?
I support diversity outreach within
the community. The demographics of Buffalo Grove continues to evolve and we are
lucky to have a mixture of different cultures (ethnic, racial and generational)
within the community. It needs to be a priority of the Trustees and Village
government to engage the different demographics within the community for better
representation on the various boards, commissions and volunteer events. I've
already started the engagement with the Asian community with Soojae Lee. I
attended the Asian American Coalition of Chicago on February 23rd and several
Korean American events. Although this is a start, more needs to be done once I
become Trustee. We need active participation from other cultures such as
Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Hispanic, Russian and Eastern European communities.
There is a proposal to add a "Community
Engagement Director" to the village staff. Do you think it is needed?
Explain why or why not.
No. The Board has given minimal
direction to the Village Manager regarding what exactly is needed. The job
description keeps changing and there is a potential that additional costs tied
to technology would likely be needed. Basically, it's time more Trustees and
the Village President actively reach out and engage other cultures in our
Village. There has been a long history of appointing people with non-diverse
backgrounds to fill vacancies on the board, commissions and committees. This
needs to stop.
Do you think the Village communicates well with
residents? If not, how can it be improved?
It's getting better, but much more
needs to be done from the board (Village President and Trustees) to Village
staff. We need to be better at engaging residents. For example, I have
discussed with several of the new candidates to have frequent coffee sessions
with residence and to actively engage religious/community organizations.
Reporters also would be invited.
thoughts -- Add any information or comments about your candidacy.
a proven leader with a fresh perspective, new voice and personal drive to help
make Buffalo Grove an exceptional village. Additionally, I have the following
Understanding on how to promote economic development and reduce the tax burden
on existing property owners and businesses.
Experience working with numerous municipalities to finance complex projects,
which includes bond financing.
History with finding financial solutions to enable building expansions and
physical relocations for small to publicly traded businesses
Ability to thoroughly review Village financial operations, identify “real
costs” tied to projects and look for ways reduce regulations.
Great listener