Oct 25, 2019

Home invasion leads to felony charges

A Barrington Shores man faces three felony charges following an incident in Buffalo Grove on Oct. 17.
Police say the man, 45-year-old Mark Dykstra, was charged with a Class X felony for home invasion Causing bodily harm and two class 3 felonies, one for aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and one for aggravated battery to a victim over 60 years of age.
The charges followed an incident at the home in the 1500 block of Countryside of Dykstra’s former 73-year-old father-in-law who was caring for Dykstra’s child. Police reports say that due to previous arguments, the man did not answer what poli8ce reports say were more than a dozen phone calls. Reports say that Dykstra allegedly entered the man’s home through an unlocked glass siding door and confront him in the basement. According to police, Dykstra allegedly pushed the man, causing him to fall and injuring his hip. The man instructed his grandchild to call 9-1-1-. The man told police that Dykstra took the phone from the child and continued to yell at the man before throwing the phone at him. The man waited until his daughter got home before going to Northwest Community Hospital where doctors diagnosed the man with a broken hip.
The man’s daughter told police she was to meet Dysktra in Lake Zurich for a child custody exchange. Buffalo Grove police contacted Lake Zurich police to check for Dykstra and make contact with him. Lake Zurich police located Dykstra’s truck but not him. Lake County Sheriffs contacted Buffalo Grove police saying Dykstra contacted them to file a report saying his child was missing because his ex-wife had not turned the child over to him. Buffalo Grove police requested Lake County Sheriffs to detain Dykstra and bring him to the Buffalo Grove Police Department.
Buffalo Grove police contacted the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Felony Review Office, which approved the charges.
Obstructing a police officer – A 34-year-old Westmont man is facing four charges following an incident at Lake-Cook and Weiland roads on Oct. 20. Police say the man Volodymyr Makushenko was charged with DUI, resisting/obstructing an office, driving on the wrong side the street and illegal lane usage following a traffic stop. Police Reports say Makushenko was driving between 25 and 30 mph in 45 mph zone. Police also say they noticed Makushenko’s vehicle cross the center lane toward the median. While trying to place Makushenko in a Buffalo Grove police car, he, police say, “actively resisted and prevented his seatbelt from being placed on as well allowing the door to be closed.”
            Reports say he attempted to push his way through a second officer in attempt to exit the vehicle. Officers decided to place Makushenko in another vehicle that was better equipped to handle combative subjects. During the exchange, Makushenko continued to resist officers’ efforts and attempted to kick one of the officers. The two officers were able to restrain Makushenko against the back of the car, but while calling for additional officers, Makushenko allegedly kicked one of the officers in the knee. An additional officer convinced Makushenko to be driven to the Buffalo Grove police where he was processed.
Fraud -- One case of fraud and one case of identity theft were reported to Buffalo Grove Police.
*  A resident told police a fake unemployment claim was filed on her behalf. She also told police that someone filed an unemployment benefits claim on her son’s behalf. However not only was it sent to the wrong address, she told police her son has not lived at home for 10 years.
*  A resident told police that while he was checking his credit report, he found three unauthorized accounts opened in his name.
Forcible entry – A resident in the 2700 block of Sandalwood told police that someone appeared to have entered their home through the garage and discovered, reports say, “many cabinets and drawers” open in the kitchen. The homeowner said they were closed when the family left. The master bedroom, kitchen and home office were also targeted. Police say there were pry marks on the sliding glass door at the rear of the residence and that the front door was closed, but unlocked. An inventory of missing items was being prepared by the residents for police.
Burglary from motor vehicle – A resident in the 200 block of Willow Parkway told police someone apparently entered his unlocked vehicle while it was parked in his driveway. He was notified about the theft when he received a text from a credit card company advising him of possible fraudulent activity. The man’s wallet, which was left in the vehicle’s center console, was the only item missing.
Burglary from vehicles at one location – A resident in the 1300 block of Berkley Court. reported that all three of her vehicles parked in her driveway were broken into. Items reported missing included a wallet, key fob for one of the vehicles, and various credit cards. All three vehicles were unlocked.
Suspicious car – A business owner in the 700 block of south Buffalo Grove Road reported a suspicious car. Police found the vehicle owner who told them he and his friends are all from the Ukraine and met up in the parking lot to visit. The man told police they were going to Garden Fresh to pick up for a cookout.
Stupid is as stupid does – This past week Buffalo Grove police issues three tickets for driving on a suspended or revoked license and one each for DUI, driving without insurance, unlicensed driving and driving with an expired vehicle registration.
Information about arrests and calls to the Buffalo Grove Police Department is from public records and is obtained in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act

Community News
Annual Civics Forum Monday night
Students from Buffalo Grove and Stevenson high schools will run the Village, if only for a day, during the annual Civics Forum on Monday, Oct. 28. The longtime event, coordinated by Village Clerk Jan Sirabian, culminates with a Village Board meeting during which students present and debate the topics and issues they researched during the day.
Like all other Village Board meetings, the Civics Forum begins at 7:30 p.m. and will be in the Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd.
Village sets Trick or Treat hours
Trick-or-treat hours will be 3 p.m.- 8 p.m. on Halloween, which is Thursday, Oct. 31. The hours between 3 and p.m. and 5 p.m. are set aside for younger “ghouls and goblins”. Trick or treaters can stop by the Police Department for goodies and handouts in the lobby. Also, officers on patrol will also be passing out candy in Buffalo Grove neighborhoods throughout the evening.
Comprehensive plan meeting Nov. 13
The Village's first comprehensive plan public meeting is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at Aptakisic Junior High School, 1231 Weiland Road.
“Engage BG 2040” is a long-range vision for the future and will address topics such as what Buffalo Grove could look like in 2040, and what makes it special and unique.
Residents are invited to provide and share ideas at this meeting. More information will be on the Village's website, social media channels and in future Enews communications.
Cops participating in annual ‘Toys for Tots’ drive
The Buffalo Grove Police Department has begun its annual collection for the Toys for Tots program, in partnership with the United States Marine Corps Reserves.
“Being able to participate in ‘Toys for Tots’ for so many years is due to the Buffalo Grove community’s generosity,” said Deputy Chief Michael Szos. “As part of the community, the police department takes great pride in hosting, as well as contributing, to this charitable cause.”
Donation boxes are in the lobby of the Buffalo Grove Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd. where area residents can donate new and unwrapped toys during the holiday season. The program runs through Dec. 13 when the Marines will pick up the donated gifts and distribute them to needy children.
For more information, contact the Buffalo Grove Police Department at 847-459-2560 or visit toysfortots.org.

Space still available for Special Olympics fund raiser
A few tables are still available for Buffalo Grove Police Department’s 4th Annual Trivia Night on Saturday, Nov. 9. The event will be at Concorde Banquets, 20922 N. Rand Road in Kildeer. The annual even is a fund-raiser for Special Olympics Illinois.
The cost is $40 per person with a maximum of 10 people per team. Check-in begins at 5 p.m., with the event starting at 6 p.m.
To reserve one of the remaining tables or to be a sponsor or donate a raffle prize, contact Melessa Horbus, assistant to the Chief of Police, via email at mhorbus@vbg.org or by calling (847) 459-2575.
School News
Stevenson eyes another expansion project
The District 125 has approved $697,500 for a possible expansion to the school’s east building. The plan, reports The Daily Herald, would focus on athletic and health program facilities.
Dist. 125 considering turf replacement
School District 125 is considering spending more than $580,00 to replace the artificial turf at Stevenson High School. The current turf was installed in 2008.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman

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If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...