Nov 8, 2019

Couple flees out window to avoid paying hotel

Police were summoned to the Extended Stay Hotel on Busch Parkway due to nonpayment by some customers. After both the manager and responding officers did not get a response to their requests to open the door, which was held shut by he “swing bar lock”, the door was forced open.  Police and hotel management found that the couple which had rented the room was gone, leaving some personal items behind. The couple left the first-floor room through the window. Maybe the light should have been left on.

Break-in reported --Residents in the 2800 block of Roslyn Lane reported someone entered their residence Nov. 2. Police reports say entry was gained through a rear sliding door. The resident, who moved out the previous week, reported $150 in cash and some jewelry missing.

Sounds like the chips hit the fan -- Police were summoned to Nino’s Pizza on south Buffalo Grove Road in response to complaints about an apparently intoxicated customer who, reports say, became “unruly” and was using “foul language” while at the video gambling machines. Police found the man across the street, still intoxicated, and told police Nino’s had “taken his money.” He was driven home by police.

Identity theft reports
Police report three complaints of fraud and/or identity theft.
·         A woman told police she received a call from someone claiming to be with Apple support telling her there was suspicious activity on her I-cloud account and remote access was needed, which the woman granted.  Once she realized it was a scam, the computer was turned off and police were notified.
·         A woman was notified by Hinsdale Police that her phone number had been used in an identity theft scheme. The woman told police that her cell phone had stopped working a few days before.  She was issued a new SIM card.
·         A 96-year-old bedridden woman received a call from someone claiming to be with the Social Security Administration and need the woman’s Social Security number. The woman told police she was frightened by the call and gave the caller the number.

Stupid is, as stupid does – Buffalo Grove Police reported four arrests for driving on a suspended or revoked license, one arrest for driving without a license and one ticket issued for using an electronic device while driving. They serve and detect.

Community News
Comprehensive plan focus of workshop
A new comprehensive plan will be discussed at a public workshop from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 13, at Aptakisic Junior High School, 1231 Weiland Road in Buffalo Grove.
The plan looks to establish a long-term vision for the community and explore what Buffalo Grove could look like in 2040 and beyond. It will cover issues such as land use, development, transportation, housing, natural resources, economic development, and more.
Project consultant RATIO is guiding the project and will lead the workshop by first presenting an overview of the project and then facilitating interactive stations.
Village Board President Beverly Sussman encourages the public to participate. “This plan will help to mold and guide the future of Buffalo Grove. It is important for our community to collaborate and develop a unified vision together,” she says.
One aspect of the plan is the utilization of the Ideas Exchange, a virtual platform where residents and other stakeholders can post ideas, comments, and ultimately help to guide the plan’s vision and priorities.
The project’s webpage, provides a link to the Ideas Exchange, as well as more information on the project.
The village’s existing comprehensive plan was approved in 2009 and has reached the end of its shelf-life. A new, more modern plan is being considered to reflect current challenges, complexities, and opportunities in Buffalo Grove. An updated plan will also build off and tie together many past and current initiatives, which include the Prairie View Metra Station Area Plan and the Lake Cook Corridor Market Study and Plan.
The new Comprehensive Plan is expected to be completed by mid-2021 and will implement key action steps from the economic development strategic plan and village’s strategic plan. The plan is begin led by a steering committee consisting of residents, business owners, property owners, partners and other key stakeholders. For more information about the project, to access the virtual platform, and to sign up for the project’s mailing list, visit the website at This website will be routinely updated to announce public engagement activities, project updates and other related news.

Draft budget available
The draft budget for fiscal year  2020 is available for public inspection here or at Village Hall. A hearing on the budget is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 18 at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd.
Questions should be directed to the Finance Department at or by calling 847-459-2500.

Water rates to climb
Citing a need to improve an aging water and sewer system, the Village Board Nov. 4 approved an 11 percent increase in water bills. New rates go into effect in January.

Board hears marijuana dispensary proposal
The Village Board Nov. 4 heard a proposal for a combine medical and recreational marijuana dispensary. The proposal, which was sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission, would not be a completely new facility as it would replace the existing medical marijuana dispensary at 1623 Barclay Court.
            In addition to the new location, at 830 – 840 N. Milwaukee Ave., is the sale of recreational marijuana products that become legal in Illinois Jan. 1, 2020. The existing facility was originally operated by PDI Medical, which was sold to Cresco Labs in 2018. The ownership of the new dispensary would remain the same.

Casstevens IACP president
Village Board President Beverly Sussman
and Police Chief Steve Casstevens
prepare to cut a cake honoring
his IACP presidency.

Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steven Casstevens was sworn-in as the new president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Casstevens was sworn-in by Buffalo Grove Village Manager, Dane Bragg, in front of nearly 1,200 law enforcement leaders, Buffalo Grove elected officials and police officers, and representatives from each village department.
He was recognized by the Village Board at its Nov. 4 meeting where he received a proclamation and a coveted plastic buffalo pin.
“Buffalo Grove proudly supports Chief Casstevens as president of the IACP.  His professional leadership and accomplishments reflect the core values of our organization, and our community,” Bragg said. “We greatly appreciate his service to our residents and in furthering the law enforcement profession locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.”
Casstevens will serve a one-year term as the IACP President, where he will embark on a journey requiring him to travel internationally; his focuses will be on trans-national issues such as police suicide prevention, global roadway safety, and addressing best practices in police response to active threats.

Students get hands-on practice at running village
Students from Buffalo Grove and Stevenson high schools run a
Village Board meeting.
Students from Buffalo Grove and Stevenson high school took control of the Village Board Oct. 28 as they participated in the annual Civics Forum. Coordinated by Village Clerk Jan Sirabian, students spent the day meeting with village staff and officials while touring village facilities.
            The event is highlighted by a student-run Village Board meeting during which students decide on a project that they researched during the day. The students approved funding for a bench and landscaping at the Police Department. Students received certificates and lapel pins, but not coveted plastic buffalo pins.

Fire chief re-certified
 Buffalo Grove Fire Chief Mike Baker has received the professional re-designation of Chief Fire Officer (CFO) from the Center for Public Safety Excellence’s Commission on Professional Credentialing.
Baker is one of 1,391 CFOs worldwide and one of only 58 CFOs in Illinois. Chief Baker obtained the original designation in July of 2013.
A board of review consisting of fire and emergency services professionals, academia, and municipal agencies review applications and recommend successful candidates for designation or re-designation to the commission.
The CFO designation is a voluntary program that recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in several areas, including education and professional development, association membership and technical competencies.
Baker has been a member of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department since 2013 and holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Northern Illinois University and a Master’s Degree in Emergency Management from Upper Iowa University.

Symphonic Band concert set for next Saturday
The Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band's 18th Annual Fall Concert - "Old World...New World", will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at Vernon Hills High School. To learn more about the performance click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

“Elf, Jr.” performances begin Nov. 15
The Park District will present “Elf, Jr.” will be held at the Buffalo Grove Park District Community Arts Center at 7:30 pm on Nov. 15 and 22, and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 16, 17 and 23 and 24.
The production features a cast of 49 energetic and talented performers in grades 3 - 11 from Buffalo Grove and the surrounding area.
All tickets are $13 in advance, or $15 at the door.  Tickets are on sale at
For more information on the production, please contact the show producer, Lindsay Grandt, at or 847.850.2132.

BGHS music teacher semifinalist for Grammy award
Longtime music teacher, Elizabeth Bennett, will find out next month if she’s a finalist for a Grammy music educator award. The award recognizes current educators who have made a significant contribution to music education, and who demonstrate a broader commitment to maintaining music education in schools.

Village receives sustainability award
The Village of Buffalo Grove and Forestry Manager Tom Milas were recently awarded the Biosolids Beneficial Reuse Award from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD).
The award recognizes sustainability efforts related to an aquatic nursery at one of the Village’s water pump stations, created in partnership with the Buffalo Grove Park District and the Buffalo Grove Environmental Action Team (BG EAT). The nursery grows native plants and restocks degraded natural zones, including detention areas and wetlands, as well as pond shorelines and streambanks in Buffalo Grove.

BG company throws pies for Breast Cancer awareness
Buffalo Grove-based NorthShore Care Supply found a unique way to raise money for Breast Cancer research -- let employees throw pies in the faces of company managers. It wasn’t indicated if all managers participated, or just those who were deemed upper crust.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...