Nov 26, 2019

Cops probe car theft, missing cat food

A resident in the 1100 block of Russellwood Court reported his car, a leased company car, missing from his driveway. The resident told police his personal belongings were found in middle of the street. He told police he may have left the second set of keys in the car. This won’t look good on his annual performance review.

  •         Theft from auto – A resident in the 1100 block of Windbrooke Drive found her car ransacked and cell phone charger missing from her car on Nov. 19. She told police she “may” have left the car unlocked.
  •        Not pussy footin’ around – A resident in the 600 block of Grove Drive reported that her last two orders of cat food from Chewy were missing. Delivery of packages was confirmed and the woman suspects neighbors are stealing the packages. No cats are considered suspects.
  •         Burglary from auto – The rear window of a car belonging to a Hawthorn Woods man was broken during a burglary of the car. The man reported that her purse, which was under the front seat, had its contents, including credit cards, and cell phone, removed.
  •          Boxed in – A resident in the 100 block of Bernard reported to police that someone placed some cardboard boxes next to his recycling bins after recycling had been collected. Seriously.

Stupid is, as stupid does -- Buffalo Grove Police report three arrests for driving with a suspended or revoked license and two for driving a vehicle with a suspended or revoked registration.
Community News
Village eyes record-setting capital improvements
            Once the village’s 2020 budget is finalized, residents can look for the most aggressive capital improvement initiative in the village’s 61-year history.
            Water and sewer improvements as well as road projects lead the charge in capital projects in the proposed budget.

Judge nixes dismissal of recount suit
A motion to dismiss a suit challenging the outcome the April election for village trustee was denied by Cook County Judge Patrick Stanton. The suit was filed by Soojae Lee who lost to incumbent Dave Weidenfeld by two votes.

Dist. 214 eyes 6% hike in tax levy
            High School District 214, which includes Wheeling and Buffalo Grove high schools, is seeking a 6 percent increase in its property tax levy.
            Much of the projected increase is for the district’s general education fund, which includes salaries for district employees.

Trivia night raises more than $15,000
The Buffalo Grove Police Department’s 4th annual ‘Trivia Night’ to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. The event raised $15,028 which brought the department’s total support for Special Olympics Illinois during 2019 to more than $64,000, the most ever raised by the BGPD for the charity in a single year.
More than 225 participants gathered for 10 rounds of trivia questions, created by and emceed by Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steven Casstevens. “The evening is a culmination of hard work by our department volunteers, sponsors, and participants. Having such a large sum to donate is the highlight, closely followed by the camaraderie and laughs throughout the night,” Casstevens said.

Holiday trash, recycling collection schedule set
Garbage and recycling pickup will be delayed by one day due to Thanksgiving.
Residents with normal service on Thursday will instead have their pickup on Friday, and those with normal Friday service will have refuse and recycling picked up on Saturday. Residents with Monday through Wednesday service will not be affected.

Community blood drive Dec. 7
A community blood drive is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the Alcott Center. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. An I.D. is required and the entire donation process takes about one hour. To make an appointment, call Vitalant at 877-258-4825 or click here

Cops set to gobble up traffic offenders
The Buffalo Grove Police Department has announced its plans for a traffic safety campaign focused on unbuckled vehicle occupants and intoxicated drivers during the Thanksgiving holiday period.
“Increased holiday traffic can contribute to an increase in vehicle crashes,” Sergeant Michelle Kondrat says. “Make sure you and your family have a safe Thanksgiving by buckling up in all cases, and by designating a sober driver.”
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Illinois had 15 fatal vehicle crashes over the 2018 Thanksgiving weekend. Five of the 15 deaths occurred in crashes involving at least one driver who had been drinking.
The Police Department is partnering with the Illinois State Police and other law enforcement agencies across Illinois for the increased statewide effort. This high-visibility crackdown will run through the holiday weekend, and into the early morning hours of December 2.

Lake County Bar Foundation offers fund-raising raffle
The Lake County Bar Foundation is selling raffle tickets as a fund raiser to support its philanthropic work. The prize is a one-week stay in the Presidential Suite at the Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort & Spa in Cabo San Lucas Mexico during 2020
The winner will have his/her choice of any week depending on availability. The retail value of the stay is $5,000. The winning ticket will be drawn at the Lake County Bar Association’s and Lake County Bar Association Foundation’s Holiday Party on December. The winner need not be present. Tickets cost $25 for one or five for $100
Additional information about the resort and suite can be found here.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman

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If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...