An apparent argument with a female led to a Round Lake Beach man being charged with four counts of domestic battery. Police reports indicate that the incident began in the area of Caren and Thompson where witness said they observed the man strike a woman. The man then tried to leave the scene by driving the wrong way in the Thompson Boulevard construction zone.
Although not detailed in reports, the man was eventually apprehended at Condell Memorial Hospital in Libertyville. Charges include two counts of Domestic Battery/bodily harm and two counts of Domestic Battery.
** Is this heaven? No, and it’s not Iowa either – A man from Bettendorf, Iowa was apparently looking for a way to pass the time on the way home by having something to drink. When police pulled him over on McHenry Road just north of Buffalo Grove Road, the man said he was heading to the quad cities. The man told police he was coming from Mt. Prospect and that he was in Arlington Heights. When asked if he knew where he was, the man said he was heading toward Palatine and that he was on Palatine Road. He then revised his story telling officers that he was in fact on Rand Road.
The initial blood alcohol content test indicated that the man’s BAC was .334. A follow-up test indicated his BAC was .329. The legal limit in Illinois is 0.08. It appears that the man quickly learned that in Buffalo Grove, if you drink it, the police will come.
** Bogus bills – The managers of two restaurants at Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road both reported a man paid for meals with counterfeit $100 bills. Police have surveillance images of the man, but have not made any arrests.
** Fake DEA agent demands gift cards – A Buffalo Grove resident told police he was contacted by someone who said he was with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in Texas and accused the resident of illegal activities that required the purchase of seven $500 Target gift cards to be purchased at Lowe’s. The man told police he purchased the cards, but was only able to purchase four at a time. After purchasing four, and giving the caller the activation codes, the man purchased five more cards, but did not call tph bogus agent with the codes. Instead, the man called the DEA office in Texas and was told they were not investigating him and advised him of the scam. The man was able to retrieve some of his money from Target.
** Unauthorized charges reported – A resident told police there were $550 in unauthorized charges on a credit card. The man canceled the credit card.
** Unwanted card – A resident reported to police that she received a debit card from Metabank, on behalf of NetSpend. The card was sent to a person at the resident’s address, even though no one by the name on the card resides at the residence.
** Identity thefts reported – Two residents reported to police suspected cases of identity theft. In one case, a resident received notification of a ban transaction and wanted the resident’s Social Security number, which he declined to provide. In a second case, a resident reported that her cell phone was switched from one provider to another without her authorization. She suspects someone hacked her email account and gained access to her information.
** Concerned neighbor rattles the ‘hood – A resident on Knollwood Drive told police she had videos of neighborhood kids playing in the street and expressed concern that they “impede the ability of residents of the house to pull out of the driveway in a safe manner” The resident told police that she is concerned she will accidentally strike one of the children. Police contacted some of the neighbors and asked them to keep their children from playing in the street.
But, wait, there’s more. According to reports, “the members of the neighborhood were not pleased with this request and stated they felt the complainant and her family drive in an unsafe manner on the cul de sac. It should be noted officers of the Buffalo Grove Police Department previously took a report on this very subject, and all members of the neighborhood were advised to have no contact with the complainant, in the interest of keeping the peace.” It sounded like a good idea at the time.
** Camera equipment swiped – About $250 in camera equipment was reported stolen from a vehicle parked in the 600 block of Indian Spring Lane. Reports say someone went through the vehicle taking the equipment. And if you must know, the vehicle was unlocked.
** Potted plants pilfered – Police report four large potted plants were stolen from the front of the Park District’s Community Arts Center on McHenry Road. Reports say the person who allegedly stole the plants is unknown.
** Unwanted visitor -- A resident in the 1400 block of Camden Court told police his daughter said a man came into their yard to look at their vegetable garden and inside their house while walking his dog. Reports say the child said the man came back four times and was looking at her.
** Shingles weren’t shot – A person who was house watching contacted police who said contractors were working on the roof of the house she was watching. Roofing project generally don’t involve police, unless the contractors are working on the wrong roof – which is what happened in this case. The contractor apologized, repaired the work they had done and went to work on the right roof. Hopefully.
** A chip off the old block? -- A resident in the 1500 block of Quaker Hollow Ct contacted police after her son said someone rang their doorbell and left a cinderblock on the front door step. According to reports, the resident “didn't recognize the cinder block and stated it wasn't from her yard.”
** Stupid is as stupid does – Traffic arrests reported by the Buffalo Grove Police include three for DUI, two for driving on a suspended or revoked license, two for driving without insurance, two for driving without a valid vehicle registration and one for driving while using a mobile communications device.
Community News
Village Hall operations limited due to COVID-19 exposure
For the second time in three weeks, operations at Village Hall will be curtailed due to an COVID-19 exposure.
In an e-blast posted early Monday, the village said that “over Labor Day weekend, the Village was made aware of a COVID-19 exposure that occurred last week at Village Hall.”
The post said Village Hall has been “commercially cleaned and disinfected.” The post said Village officials do not believe any member of the public has been exposed. It did not say when the exposure occurred and where the person may have been in the building.
While normal business hours at the front service window will resume at 8 a.m. today, (Tuesday, Sept. 8), some services provided by the Community Development and Finance Departments may be limited until further notice. As a result, residents are encouraged to contact Village Hall in advance of a visit at (847) 459-2500. Any previously scheduled property/building inspections will be performed.
Most village services can be handled online or via phone (847-459-2500) or by email at These services include real estate transfer stamps, and license renewals (except for liquor licenses) which can be completed by visiting and clicking ‘How Do I’.
Payments for water/sewer bills can be made online here, mailed in, or deposited in the drop box located behind Village Hall at 50 Raupp Boulevard. Information regarding building permits can be found by clicking here, or requests can be emailed to All public safety operations will continue to be offered by the Fire Department, Public Works Department and Police Department.
Village’s “Voluntary Separation Incentives” leads to staff reduction
Seventeen employees, which represents 7.8 percent of the total village staff, have opted to participate in a “Voluntary Separation Incentive” program that, according to a memo sent to Village Board members by Jennifer Maltas, Deputy Village Manager, is “designed to encourage employees considering retirement or other employment options to separate from service in an attempt to reduce personnel expenses and to avoid layoffs.” Her report, read during the Aug. 31 Committee of the Whole meeting, noted that of the 17 employees who decided to participate in the program, four were from Community Development, seven from the Police Department, one from the Fire Department and five from the Public Works Department.
Perhaps the most notable name on the list is Public Works Director Mike Reynolds who is leaving the village after seven years as head of the Department of Public Works.
Maltas told the Board that “staff anticipates the Village to save a minimum of $1,000,000 in personnel costs in the 2021 budget through the offering of the VSI.”
Maltas’ report, which details the program and impact on the various departments, can be found in the Board’s Aug. 31 agenda packet by using this link.
Chabad offering Rosh Hashanah dinners
Orders are due Friday, Sept. 11 for catered dinners available through Northwest Suburban Chabad. The packages, notes Chabad, offer everything from carrot and pumpkin bisque to Bubby's roasted chicken to fall pastries and so many more options. You can even secure your holiday necessities, like a fish head, apples & honey, challah, and grape juice. To view the full menu, click here. Please place your orders by Friday, Sept. 11. Pick up will be available at Chabad, 6296 Aptakisic Rd, Lincolnshire before Rosh Hashanah. Delivery can be arranged. For more information, call (847) 808-7770.
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