Sep 24, 2020

Village lists trick-or-treating guidelines

 Young ghosts and goblins will be able to collect candy and other treats on Halloween, but are urged to follow guidelines established by the village. Although not officially ‘endorsed’ by the village, trick-or-treat hours will be from 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31.  A complete list of the guidelines is available as part of the Sept. 22 information packet found here. A copy is also available by emailing

Nominating petitions for April 6 election available

Residents who want to be a candidate in the April 6, 2021 Consolidated Election can now circulate petitions. Nomination papers must be filed December 14-21, 2020.

Petitions for Village Board positions, of which three trustee spots will be voted on in April, are available at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd.

Questions about the Village Board election should be directed to the Village Clerk’s office at (847) 459-2500, or by email at

Residents who may want to run for a position on the Park Board, can pick up petitions at the Alcott Center, located at 530 Bernard Drive in Buffalo Grove.  The Alcott Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

There are two Buffalo Grove Park District Commissioner positions for 4-year terms, and one unexpired 2-year term which will be part of the April 6, 2021 consolidated election.

Individuals interested in running for a Buffalo Grove Park District Commissioner seat must be a registered voter, and have been a resident of the Buffalo Grove Park District for at least one year prior to the election.

For additional information, contact Ryan Risinger, executive director of the Buffalo Grove Park District at (847) 850.2122.

‘Mobile DMV’ event Friday

Residents who need driver’s related services of the Illinois Secretary of State’s office will be able to complete many of them from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25 at William E. Peterson Park, 16652 N. Buffalo Grove Road in Buffalo Grove.

The event, jointly sponsored by Secretary of State Jesse White and State Rep. Daniel Didech (D-59). Available services include renewal or correction of a driver’s license of state ID for residents under 75 years of age, purchase of license plate stickers, motor voter registration with renewal of license or state ID, and organ donor registration with renewal of license of state ID. A rules of the road class will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Real ID application will not be processed at the event. In accordance with state and village requirements, face coverings and social distancing will be required.

‘Hate has no home’ event Saturday

A rally to promote “love and equality” is scheduled from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26 at the Buffalo restaurant parking lot at 1180 Lake-Cook Road.  Organized by BG Pride, participants are asked to bring signs of “peace and love.” Persons interested in speaking should contact Carolyn Pinta at


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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...