Mar 6, 2020

Police probe DUI-related crash, disorderly conduct and wayward drones

Driver faces multiple charges following crash -- A 36-year-old Arlington Heights woman was cited for four violations after a single-car crash in which responding officers found her unconscious. The woman was charged with DUI, failure to reduce speed, illegal transportation of alcohol and damage to village property. Police reports say they responded to a single-car accident at Bernard and Weidner where they found the driver unresponsive in her car while it was still running. Reports say she could not be awakened and police had to break the rear window to enter the car. They noticed a “strong smell of alcohol”. According to police, the woman remained unconscious and “only reacted to a sternum rub” by responding officers. She remained unconscious while she was transported to Northwest Community Hospital. Reports indicate that when officers arrived at the accident scene, the woman was wearing her seatbelt. Safety first.
* Confrontation with school staff leads to charges -- A 50-year old Buffalo Grove man was charged with one count of disorderly conduct after police say he became irate in the lobby of Aptakisic Middle School. Reports say the man came to the school to speak with the school nurse about his daughter. The man, police reports say, was upset because the school would no longer let his daughter use the school’s elevator. She had been granted use of the elevator because of a broken foot. The man, police say, became upset when he arrived to speak with the nurse, only to find that she had left for the day. The man called the nurse “unprofessional” and allegedly use inappropriate language, which prompted school officials to call 9-1-1. Reports say it was the second time the man had been “loud and aggressive” with school staff. Police reports say the man provided a doctor’s note about his daughter’s condition and the situation was resolved. However, the man was told he was no longer welcomed on school grounds.
* Man faces three theft charges -- A Chicago man with an apparent passion for keeping clean faces three counts of retail theft after two incidences of theft from the Walgreen Drug Store, 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road. The man, 30, was charged with a Dec. 18 theft of body wash, and is also accused of stealing a large quantity of laundry detergent pods and batteries on Jan. 20.
* Too much caffeine? -- Police were summoned to the Dunkin’ Donuts in the 1600 block of Weiland in response to an irate customer who was yelling at an employee. While police were talking with the employee, the customer came back to purchase some drinks. She told police she was upset because the employee was on a private phone call which she felt was inappropriate and resulted in bad service. After she ordered the drinks, the customer told the employee she did not want the drinks any more, but wanted her money back. She was told that the employee could not do that. Police suggested she contact Dunkin’ Donuts management. Reports do not indicate if the customer ordered donuts, and if she did, what kind.
* Animal protestor update -- A woman told police she was confronted by two protestors outside a veterinary clinic who became aggressive and threatening telling the woman “It would be a real shame if something tragic would happen to you.” The protester was told to move away from the clinic. It was the second time police had been summoned to the clinic. Earlier in the week police told protestors they could not be on private property and the entrance to the clinic. No word if they were eating pita (or should that be PETA?) bread.
* Gotta watch who you give a ride to --- A Zion woman stopped at the Police Department to say she had an intoxicated person in her vehicle. The driver told police she picked up the passenger in Palatine and was driving her to Zion when the passenger became belligerent and verbally abusive. The driver was seeking assistance with removing the passenger from the car. She told police the passenger was heavily intoxicated. Police were able to do a breath test which showed a BAC of 0.123. Police reports say the man was “highly intoxicated” and unable to be awakened. Once he was awakened by police, he became combative and belligerent and started swinging his arms at Buffalo Grove police and paramedics who were summoned to take him to Northwest Community Hospital. Once he was out of the vehicle, it took two police officers to control him. The man continued to be combative when placed on the ambulance gurney and had to be restrained to prevent injury.
* Drone, drone on the range – Police received a report of a drone flying west over a school at 1700 Weiland Road. Police were unable to locate the drone.
* Stupid is, as stupid does – In the past week, Buffalo Grove police has issued four tickets for DUI, four tickets for driving on a suspended or revoked license, two for driving without a license, one for using electronic devices while driving, one for illegal transportation of open liquor, and one citation to a motorist for not wearing a seatbelt.
Community News

Weiland Road progress, plans focus of open house

Residents had the opportunity to get updated on the progress and schedule for the widening of Weiland Road. The project has two main phases; north from Lake-Cook Road to Deerfield Parkway and north from Deerfield Parkway to Aptakisic Road. Work in the first phase is underway with the second set to begin this spring.
            According to Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT), phase one work is 24 percent completed. That phase, according to LCDOT is scheduled to be completed by October. The completion target for the second phase is July of 2021. Full information is available at

Car seat checks available
The Police Department offers free car seat safety checks every other Tuesday between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Car seats are checked by a Buffalo Grove police offers who are certified car seat technicians. Appointments are required and can be scheduled this link.. Only one car seat can be checked per appointment.
Information about buying and installing car seats, as well as how to fit them correctly in vehicles and when they should be changed can be found here.
(Editor’s note – this information has been verified with the Buffalo Grove Police Department and corrects errors about this program that appeared in the village’s e-mail newsletter)

TIF report due
The village’s ongoing examination of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for development along the Lake-Cook Road corridor will advance a step with the completion of a feasibility study. According to the Daily Herald, the report will help Buffalo Grove officials to “decide their next steps on a proposed tax increment financing district aimed at boosting redevelopment efforts in the Lake-Cook Road Corridor.
The Herald notes that “The proposed TIF district would encompass an area bounded by Arlington Heights Road on the west, McHenry Road (Route 83) on the east, Lake-Cook Road on the south and Old Checker Road on the north. The area includes two struggling shopping centers, Town Center and Chase Plaza.”

Cops may be mean during wearin’ of the green

Buffalo Grove police will be conducting special patrols for the St. Patrick’s Day holiday period between Thursday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 18.
The goal of this campaign, says Traffic Sergeant Michelle Kondrat, is to crack down on impaired drivers, and to encourage people to wear their seat belts. Celebrated throughout the country, St. Patrick’s Day is one of the deadliest holidays of the year due to the number of drunk drivers on the road.
“We urge our residents and visitors to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day responsibly,” Kondrat says. “Police will be out in force to keep impaired drivers off the roads and help to ensure everyone makes it home safely.”
Before the green beer starts flowing, police urge drivers to designate a sober driver. If a designated driver is not available, call a cab, use a ride-sharing service, or have a sober friend or family member pick you up.
Pedestrians can be at risk, too. If you’re walking, keep an eye out for cars. If you’re a designated driver, be alert for impaired walkers who may not obey street signs or pedestrian signals.
The Illinois “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket” campaigns are administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation with federal highway safety funds managed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

‘Political divide’ topic of program at Hope Lutheran Church
“Talking Across the Political Divide – a Better Angels Workshop” is the topic of a community wide conversation at Hope Lutheran Church is hosting a community-wide conversation, “from 1 - 3:30 pm next Sunday, March 15, in the church fellowship hall at 1660 Checker Rd, Long Grove.
In the current polarized environment, many people avoid or dread political conversations with friends or family members whose politics differ from their own. This Better Angels workshop provides the skills necessary to have respectful conversations that bring clarity to differences, establish common ground, and affirm the importance of relationships. Participants will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment.
Participation in the workshop is free, however registration is required. Visit and click “News” for the link to register. For more information, contact the church office at (847) 634-2070.
Better Angels is a national citizens’ movement to reduce political polarization in the United States by bringing liberals and conservatives together to understand each other beyond stereotypes, forming red/blue community alliances, teaching practical skills for communicating across political differences, and making a strong public argument for depolarization.

Casstevens testifies before presidential commission
Buffalo Grove Police Chief
Steven Casstevens
Steven Casstevens, Buffalo Grove police chief and president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) testified as an expert on police officer safety and wellness for the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement in February.
The panel was held in conjunction with the IACP Officer Safety and Wellness Symposium February 27-29 in Miami, Florida.
During his testimony, Casstevens said, “The time has come to give the mental health and wellness of officers the same focused care and attention as we give to their physical safety.”
One of the cornerstones of Casstevens’ IACP presidency is focused on police officer mental health and wellness, particularly on officer suicides. Casstevens has been a strong advocate for reducing the stigma associated with mental illness, and has spoken in front of groups locally, nationally and internationally on these topics.
One of his main goals is to ensure support and resources are provided to officers experiencing mental illness. Casstevens is additionally involved in the Blue H.E.L.P. organization, which helps officers in crisis, and provides resources for families of officers who have taken their own lives.
The Commission addresses critical issues facing law enforcement professionals; information provided during this event assists members in understanding the range of challenges experienced by law enforcement professionals that can contribute to mental illness.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 800-273-8255 and available to anyone who is suicidal or experiencing emotional distress. Police officers in crisis can also visit for additional resources.

District 102 appoints new board member
Vera Gaskill, an eight-year resident of District 102, has been named to the district’s School Board. She replaces Suzann Audi who has moved out of the district. Gaskill’s term will run through April 2021.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Wheeling High School Spokesman
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Cops probe burglary, felony theft / AAA rating / Blood drive Saturday

  Residential Burglary -- A resident in the 40 block of Sunridge Ln. told police that his home was ransacked. Reports say an undisclosed am...