Mar 17, 2020

Village declares local state of emergency

The village of Buffalo Grove issued the following information announcing and detailing the local state of emergency order

In response to ever-changing updates regarding COVID-19, Buffalo Grove Village President Beverly Sussman has issued an executive order and a proclamation declaring a local state of emergency.
These steps are part of an ongoing effort by the Village to slow down or limit the spread of the virus in the local community as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Village of Buffalo Grove is also taking proactive steps to protect the health and safety of its employees. In addition to facility closures, the Village has taken steps to reduce employee interactions, utilize social distancing and implement remote work for employees. The Village is responding to a potential exposure within a Village facility. There is no known threat to the public from the potential exposure. The Village has taken immediate action to manage this potential exposure.

About the executive order
Effective at midnight tonight, all places of public assemblage are ordered closed. This includes public lobbies in all public facilities, except the Buffalo Grove Police Department.
The closures also apply to health and fitness centers, movie theaters, bowling alleys and recreational/entertainment facilities where the public gathers. All door-to-door solicitation is prohibited. All in-person public meetings of the Village of Buffalo Grove have been canceled until further notice. The executive order was created to protect the health and welfare of the community, and to prevent further spread of COVID-19. Preventing the spread of this disease will not only help those who are at increased risk of experiencing complications should they contract the disease, but also prevents the spread of the disease to public safety officials who are providing critical services to the community.

Local State of Emergency Proclamation
The Local State of Emergency Proclamation grants specific increased temporary powers to Village officials to address life, health and safety issues on an immediate basis relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes emergency purchases that are necessary to prevent the spread of the pandemic among the community and employees and the ability to establish emergency locations for the conduct of village business, emergency medical services and other necessary services. In addition, the Proclamation allows the Village to request supplies and resources through the Strategic National Stockpile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Illinois Department of Public Health.
The Executive Order and Proclamation for the Local State of Emergency are published on the Village website at

Potential COVID-19 Exposure of Village Employees
Immediately prior to the Monday, March 16, Village Board meeting, Village Manager Dane Bragg was made aware of a potential COVID-19 exposure of certain village employees, which originated from an on-site vendor.
This vendor does not have contact with the public. Due to this development and with an overabundance of caution, Village employees who worked in the same area as this individual are now working remotely. The vendor is also working remotely and currently has no symptoms of the COVID-19 virus.
The initial COVID-19 exposure that led to this situation occurred between the vendor and a friend’s parent who had recently returned from Europe. The parent had displayed flu-like symptoms and was subsequently tested for COVID-19. The test results are not yet available but are expected to be returned within the next 24-48 hours.
Due to the Village’s obligation to protect this individual’s privacy, and per HIPAA requirements, no additional information will be released at this time.
No Village employees are allowed in the area of the building where the potential exposure occurred. Village Hall has been inspected by a cleaning firm that will commercially sanitize the area where the potential exposure occurred, as well as the entire building.

Impact on Village Services
The Village has temporarily suspended building inspections services to mitigate contact between Village employees and the public. Residents who currently have a project underway and require a building inspection, are reminded that the village will provide inspections based on priority, with emergency inspections conducted first, commercial inspections second and interior residential inspections as the lowest priority. The village will screen residents and contractors with health questions before fulfilling an inspection request. If the occupants of a facility or home have high-risk symptoms or travel/exposure characteristics, the Village reserves the right to cancel the inspection. If you would like to request an inspection, please contact the Community Development Department at (847) 459-2530.
The Village of Buffalo Grove encourages area residents to help reduce the number of people exposed to COVID-19 in our community, by following safety guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control to keep our residents, businesses, and visitors safe.

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