Mar 26, 2020

Cops warn of COVID-19 scams

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is warning residents about COVID-19-related scams. Police say residents should avoid releasing personal information to unknown or unverified persons, who may contact them by via email or telephone during the COVID-19 crisis.
There are concerns that the impending release of federal stimulus funds to millions of Americans, scammers and criminals may attempt to gain access to innocent persons’ bank accounts.
A common practice is for a scammer to pose as a representative from a federal agency asking for personal identifying information in phone calls or emails. A common practice is to ask a person for their social security number for “verification” or to qualify for a bogus offer.
“While this crisis is devastating in itself, thieves and criminals continue to try and exploit innocent people,” Police Chief Steven Casstevens says. “These federal funds are meant to assist Americans in a time of need, not to be stolen and re-routed to benefit criminal activity.”
Any email or phone call stating there is a cure for COVID-19, requesting charitable contributions, or advertising COVID-19 test kits should be immediately disregarded.
For more information, please visit:

Schneider hosting telephone town hall meeting tonight
U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-10) will hold a “Telephone Town Hall” from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 tonight (Thursday, March 26).
It is recommended that Tenth District residents who want to participate sign-up ahead of time to receive a call using the form on To participate the day of the Town Hall can do so by calling (855) 859-7337 on Thursday evening.

Village seeks sanitizing items
The is seeking sanitizing items, especially wipes, so public safety departments can ensure the safety of community members, as well as their own.
The need is facilitated as police officers, paramedics, firefighters, public works and other village employees are sanitizing their work spaces a lot more often.
Donations can be dropped off at the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd.

Park District closes outdoor facilities
The Park District has closed the Happy Tails Dog Park, the skate park, the inline rink, and all sports courts. This includes all tennis courts, pickleball courts, basketball courts, and volleyball courts. These closures will remain in effect at least through April 7. The closures will be extended if Gov. J.B. Pritzker extends the stay-at-home order currently in place.
Parks and paths remain open for people to walk, jog, bike, and walk their dogs. The Park District is asking for residents’ cooperation by staying off of playgrounds and other closed outdoor areas.
Additional information is available on the coronavirus (COVID-19) information page on the Park District's website.

Executive order extended
            In a short eight-minute meeting done virtually, the Village Board approved extension of the disaster order issued March 17 by Village President Buffalo proclaiming “the extension shall be coterminous with the disaster proclamation issued by Governor J.B. Pritzker on March 9, 2020 unless further amended or modified.”
During the meeting, Village Manager Dane Bragg said the village rotating staff to limit the risk to COVID-19.
Bragg said the shift splits vary by department, “but generally we have areas split into “A” teams and “B” teams so that there is no overlap among personnel.” He noted that by doing so, “if we have an exposure, we will have a secondary team that can keep people online.”
Bragg said the split shifting is being done in finance, inspections, water, sewer, streets, forestry, police records and administration.

Northwest Suburban Chabad offering “Seder in a Box”

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) curtailing travel plans and social interactions, many Jews are facing the prospect of celebrating Passover alone. In response to those asking for guidance on how to prepare for their Seder for the first time, Chabad is partnering with a kosher caterer, to provide people with all their seder needs in a “Seder in a Box.” Additional information about the seder kits is available here.  for more details, Orders must be made by Tuesday, March 31.

Congregation Beth Am helps struggling families

Partnering with Shalom Kosher Bakery, a fund-raiser by Congregation Beth Am is helping families struggling because of the COVID-19, have a staple of Shabbos.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

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