Amidst screening for coronavirus/COVID-19,
the Buffalo Grove Village Board met Monday night.
attending the meeting had their temperature checked by Fire Chief Mike Baker. No fevers were discovered.
four staff members were in attendance while Board members David Weidenfeld and
Joanne Johnson, along with Village Board President Beverly Sussman did not
attend out of concerns for the coronavirus/COVID-19. Trustee Lester Ottenheimer ran the meeting.
Manager Dane Bragg updated the Board about the village’s decision to close all
facilities with the exceptions of the Police Department. Bragg said that any
emergency meetings between residents and village staff would be in the Police
Department’s lobby.
added that “central services” would continue to be provided and that village officials
are monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the
Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). A priority for the village, Bragg
added, is the well-being of employees.
also told the Board that village staff is aware of many of the rumors
circulating about the coronavirus/COVID-19, especially about the need for
bottled water.
(bottled water) is not needed, Bragg said. “The public water supply is safe.”
Echoing suggestions of county, state and federal officials, Bragg encouraged
residents to stay home, avoid large crowds.
village will continue daily updates about the outbreak.