Nov 16, 2018

Police Department seeks witnesses to crash

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is looking for witnesses to a traffic accident that occurred in Buffalo Grove on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at approximately 5 p.m. The crash occurred on Milwaukee Avenue at the intersection of Prague Avenue, near the Speedway Gas Station (201 N. Milwaukee Avenue). Police are looking for witness information regarding the involved vehicles just prior to the crash, and at the time of the crash. Please contact the Buffalo Grove Police Department at 847-459-2560 with any information.

Fire Department reminds residents of Thanksgiving safety tips

With Thanksgiving on Thursday, the Buffalo Grove Fire Department is reminding residents to remember safety while cooking, which is the leading cause of home fires and fire injuries. By following simple and sensible tips, you can make Thanksgiving dinner not only delicious, but safe as well. Click here to view tips provided by the Fire Department, or contact the Department's Public Education Division at 847-777-6110, for additional fire safety and burn prevention information. 

Holiday light recycling available

As holidays lights come out of storage and decorating begins, residents may find strings of lights and extension cords that are no longer working. The Village of Buffalo Grove, in conjunction with Elgin Recycling and the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), is offering a Holiday Light Recycling program to all SWANCC area residents free of charge, which includes all Buffalo Grove residents. Holiday string lighting and extension cords can be dropped off at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd., or the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd. between Monday, November 19, and Friday, March 1, 2019.  Visit for more information. Garland, live greens, wreaths or other non-recyclable materials will not be accepted. For more information, click here.

Cops raise more than $15,000 for Special Olympics

The Buffalo Grove Police Department raised more than $15,000 at its 3rd Annual Trivia Night to benefit the Special Olympics of Illinois. The sold-out event raised $15,766, which brings the total amount of funds raised during 2018 to more than $55,000. Participants fought through 10 rounds of trivia questions, which was emceed by Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steven Casstevens. Team "Purple Haze" was victorious, and each team member received a $25 gift card to Lettuce Entertain You restaurants.

Holiday Couple
The Daily Herald reports that Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus really exist. But they don't reside at the North Pole. Read their story at Buffalo Grove is Santa's village for local couple.   

Sprague students salute vets

Sprague students gave veterans a huge applause while waving flags as they walked to the front of the assembly. Students shared songs and stories about what Veterans Day means to them and how much they appreciate the veterans service to this country. Please visit the school's Facebook page for photos of the assembly.

Mean girls?
A report by the Illinois State Board of Education details which school suspends the most female students. Stevenson ranks sixth out of 11. Details are here: School discipline: Which Lake County districts reported suspending the most girls?

From the Police Reports

·         A landscaping firm reported that someone broke into their trailer and stole a power blower and concrete cutter.

·         Police were called to a BG restaurant because of an “unwanted” subject who was severely intoxicated.  The person admitted to police that he had been drinking most of the day to celebrate his birthday.

·         Police responded to a reported burglary in the 2800 block of Orchard Lane. According to police reports burglars may have entered through an unlocked garage door. Several room were ransacked and jewelry was reported stolen.

Student Voices
Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...