Lower tax rate in proposed 2019 village budget

The Village of Buffalo Grove has published its 2019 Proposed Budget for the year beginning January 1, 2019. The total budget is $78 million with an operating budget of $44.5 million.
More than 86-percent of the operating budget supports public safety operations, such as police patrols, criminal investigations, fire suppression and emergency medical services. Public Works operations account for 7-percent of the total operating budget and provide services such as roadway repairs, snow plowing and tree maintenance.
Nearly one-fourth of the total budget goes to maintenance of the water/sewer utility system. Of that amount, $2.5 million is earmarked for capital improvements to the water delivery system. Capital needs such as infrastructure repairs, building maintenance and vehicle purchases account for $7.8 million of the budget.
Village officials call the revenue base is diverse, and is made up of a combination of property taxes, sales and income taxes, locally administered taxes, and charges for services, as well as fines and fees. There are no new taxes proposed in the budget, and the Village was able to lower the property tax rate to $.993 per $100 of taxable property value. The previous year's property tax rate was $.998/$100. More information about the 2019 Proposed Budget will be provided in the next Village E-newsletter; to view the full proposed budget, click proposed 2019 village budget

Change your clocks for daylight saving time Sunday
The Buffalo Grove Fire Department (BGFD) reminds residents to, "Change Your Clock - Change Your Battery" during Daylight Saving Time, this Sunday. Buffalo Grove residents should remember to 'fall back' on Sunday, by turning their clocks back one hour before 2 a.m. Residents are also encouraged to check batteries and change them, if necessary, in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO2) detectors at the same time. For more information about fire safety and how to develop a home escape plan, contact the BGFD's Public Education Department at 847-777-6110 or visit your nearest fire station.

Residents reminded about yard sign guidelines
Buffalo Grove residents may place unlimited political signs on their property, as long as signs are not within the public right-of-way, do not prohibit the sight lines of vehicular traffic and do not exceed 32 square feet in area. Political signs may not ever be placed upon public property, or within the public right-of-way, which generally includes the area between the public sidewalk and the street, and any roadway median areas. Any signs placed within the public right-of-way may be removed and disposed of by the Village.

District 103 club conducting food drive
The Wright Way Club at  Daniel Wright School has organized a food drive for the Vernon Township Food Pantry. Please donate canned goods. A collection box is located in the cafeteria. For more about the fundraiser, please visit the organization's flyer.

Village Board meets Monday night
The Buffalo Grove Village Board meets Monday night.  The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.  Agenda information may be found at Village Board agenda.


Got news?
Please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@gmail.com



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