Oct 5, 2018

Farmers Market season coming to a close

Village News

Final Farmers Markets are Oct. 7, 14


 The Buffalo Grove Farmers Market is nearing the end of its season with just two more scheduled dates; Sunday, Oct. 7 and Sunday, Oct. 14.  The Farmers Market is at Mike Rylko Community Park, 951 McHenry Road in Buffalo Grove, from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For more information, visit the Buffalo Grove Farmers Market  Facebook page.



National Fire Protection Week October 7 - 13

 The theme for the 2018 National Fire Protection Week campaign is 'Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere'. This campaign, which is Oct. 7 – 13,  is designed to educate and remind citizens about the importance of preventing fires and knowing how to safely escape from a fire if one were to occur.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is supported by fire departments across the country, including the Buffalo Grove Fire Department. 

Buffalo Grove Symphonic and Jazz Band 17th Annual Fall Concert

The Buffalo Grove Symphonic and Jazz Band will present its 17th annual fall concert, 'Women in Music' TIME? on Sunday, Oct. 28, at Buffalo Grove High School, 1100 W. Dundee Rd. The concert will feature works by some of the most renowned female composers of the modern period, in honor of 2018 being declared 'The Year of the Woman'. Tickets will be available at the door and online. Additional information can be found at BG Symphonic and Jazz Band

Area News

Old McHenry Road Construction Closures/Detours

Portions of Old McHenry Road will be closed to through traffic beginning 6a.m. on Tuesday, October 9,). These closures are part of the Old McHenry Road reconstruction and intersection improvements at Robert Parker Coffin Road. This is a change in the previous schedule due to efforts to expedite reconstruction of the narrowest part of Old McHenry Road, from Archer Road to Robert Parker Coffin Road, before winter begins.

The anticipated reopening to all traffic is planned for November. All downtown Long Grove businesses will be open during the entire construction period.

 Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve Parking Lot Closed Starting Monday

 As part of the Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve Reservoir Expansion and Preserve Improvement Plan, the existing parking lot at Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve at Checker Road, just west of Arlington Heights Road in Long Grove, will close for a one-month period beginning Monday, October 8. 

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's contractor is expanding the size of the parking lot and resurfacing the existing sections of the entrance drive and parking lot. The parking lot is anticipated to reopen on Nov. 7. For more information about this project, go to Lake County Forest Preserve.

Police News

A 72-year-old Buffalo Grove man was charged with two counts domestic battery following an incident Oct. 2.  According to police reports, he man was allegedly physically attacking his wife. The couple’s daughter, who called  9-1-1 arrived at the house and was holding a rolling pin when, police reports say, officers arrived at the house. The daughter said her father “appeared intoxicated” and that both she and her mother tried to calm the man down. When they suggested he stay at a hotel for the night, police reports say he became agitated  and tried to go into a bedroom where he keeps a 40-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun saying, “I’m going to shoot you all, bitches.” It was at this point that the daughter told her father he was calling police.  Upon hearing this, the daughter told police that he pushed way past her and grabbed his wife by her wrists and clothing was “dragging her around the kitchen.” The man admitted he and wife argue, but said  he did not hurt anyone.

A 49-year-old Chicago woman was charged by Buffalo Grove Police with battery following an incident at a fast-food restaurant in the 0-100 block of west Dundee Road.  Police say the woman was harassing customers in the drive-up. A restaurant employee tried to have the woman leave and when told she was going to call police, the woman tried to grab the employee’s phone.  Both went into the restaurant where the woman allegedly lunged at  the employee and the reportedly swung three times at the employee, striking her once in the face.  The woman tried to leave but was blocked in the vestibule by patrons until police arrived.

Got news? 

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...